Course Description
This course will give students a general introduction to philosophy by covering
the major areas of inquiry, perspectives, and approaches in the history of
philosophy. We will begin by examining the life of Socrates as a way to
understand what it means to think like a philosopher, and to begin to answer to
the question: What is Philosophy? Each following class session will focus on a
major area of inquiry, school of thought, or approach to philosophical questions,
from Socrates to the present day.
Upon finishing the course, students will understand how to approach issues
philosophically, they will learn to think critically about arguments and ideas, and
they will feel comfortable with philosophy as an approach to thinking rather
than as a list of topics and content. Students will become familiar with the
usefulness of ideas and they will gain experience using ideas as tools to ask
questions about themselves and the world.
风趣幽默颇受欢迎的哥大帅哥教授 | Steen Sehnert
Steen C.Sehnert
现在一提到"哥伦比亚大学",许多人的第一反应是--"哥大出女友"!这也难怪,毕竟前一段时间王力宏与李云迪同日公布的女朋友,近期被热议的"奶茶妹妹",都是来自哥伦比亚大学的"高材生"。而实际上,哥大不光有女友,还有众多才华与容貌双高的"男神"。听闻著名的哥大男神--Steen Sehnert教授,远渡重洋来到GSS国际暑期学校进行教学时,潜伏在全世界大江南北的颜控们,都蠢蠢欲动了起来。
Steen Sehnert在柯比学院 (Colby College) 主修心理学和哲学,而后拥有了哥伦比亚大学心理学的博士学位。现如今,他任教于哥伦比亚大学,研究方向在哲学与心理学,讲授过多种课程,如心理学,认知学等。他在哥大还具有诸多的学术与行政身份--包括跨文化事务办公室导师、本科学生研究学术指导老师。
扎了小辫子的Steen Sehnert教授,以其风趣幽默、简单易懂的教学风格,成为了GSS国际暑期学校2013年暑期课程的人气老师。课程结束时,Steen表示他非常喜欢中国,喜欢北京古老与时尚交融的独特,更喜欢北京种类繁多的小吃。
Steen Sehnert依旧会参与2014年GSS国际暑期学校的暑期课程。想看帅哥的你,心动不如行动哟!